Lilia Zamirova

Partner, Head of Accounting Practice

Т: +7 (495) 114-54-24


Practice Areas

Lilia joined the ASB Consulting Group team in 2016 to lead the Accounting Practice and was appointed partner in 2020. Lilia has 15+ years’ experience in accounting and finance, more than 9 years having been devoted to accounting and auditing roles in various consulting companies. She has remarkable experience in setting up and structuring accounting procedures, optimising and automating business processes, preparing financial statements, supporting audits and due diligence. She is fluent in both Russian and English.

Recent Projects

  • 10%+ investment partnership agreements (IPA) entered into in Russia and supported by ASB Consulting Group
  • 30+ due diligence projects, including an audit of a major oilfield services group
  • successful B4 annual audits
  • advising a major medical company developing a medicine for disseminated sclerosis (a US subsidiary) on restoring the accounting record. As a result, the company managed to account for financing raised from the government and successfully passed its 3-year audit
  • advising a company with a monthly turnover of RUB 500+ m and 50 employees on restoring its accounting record*
  • advising a major trading group in Russia on setting up accounting procedures*
  • advising an industrial and trading complex consisting of four companies on a pending financial and tax due diligence, which resulted in optimised financial flows and quarterly savings of RUB 50 m RUB for the client*
  • advising a representative of a major international chemical company in Russia on maintaining its accounts*
  • advising the third-biggest railway grain carrier in Russia, the Baltic States and the CIS on maintaining its accounts and successfully undergoing annual group-wide statutory audits*

* Lilia’s experience before joining ASB Consulting Group