Tatiana Lukyanova

Partner, Head of M&A and DD Practice

Т: +7 (495) 114-54-24

E: t.lukyanova@asbconsulting.ru

Practice Areas

Tatyana is a partner and head of M&A practice at ASB Consulting Group. She has over 15 years of experience advising clients on complex M&A and venture capital transactions, as well as on general corporate and regulatory issues in Russia and abroad. She has led the creation of more than 20 funds of up to USD 130 million and structured more than 200 venture capital and M&A transactions.

Her clients include investment and venture funds, high-tech companies, as well as companies in the industrial, medical and financial services sectors.

Recent Projects

  • led a transaction and advised a company involved in developing chemicals identification systems on sale of its R&D and technical divisions (optical spectrometer development) to a global player headquartered in the USA
  • led a transaction and advised a Russian PE-fund on acquiring a 49% participatory interest in a German holding company building vertical wind tunnels
  • led a transaction and advised a Russian-German unicorn company involved in biotech developments on its last round of investments before the founders and investors withdrew
  • led a transaction and advised a Russian biopharmaceutical company on raising investments at all stages and subsequent sale of the development (a medicine for disseminated sclerosis) to a US public company
  • advised a Russian video recording technology developer on its sale to a Chinese technological giant
  • led a transaction and advised the owners on sale of food product plants
  • led a transaction and advised the owners on sale of a natural resources business